Thursday, November 30, 2017

WV Firearms 2017

Monday Morning 11/20 first day of WV firearms weather was good nice and cold morning mid 20's when we left the house. Mile hike up to my ladder stand overlooking a bowl with two different levels. Zero deer seen in the AM. Got out of my stand around 11 for a walk back to the house for lunch. Rich dropped us off after lunch and there were two button bucks on the corn pile. After I was in my stand there was a spike chasing two doe that passed right under my stand. The button bucks were in the area until dusk but they were just too small to shoot.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 13 off Route 99 Ellicott City

This was a great day to be in the woods. I got started off on the right foot by leaving on time. Sunrise was at 6:49. I was at my tree by 5:45. As I was climbing I heard movement in the woods near me. This was the first time I have been in this spot and did not spook while getting to my tree. I put two wicks of Trails End 309 out about 20 yards from my stand. I had all the gear out today doe bleat, grunt call, and rattle bag. At just about light I hear some movement to my left. There are 2 doe far away pushing through and a relatively wide 4 pt checking them out. He moves away from them and looks like he was creating a scrape and he caught a whiff of my trails end. He moves in he was a very nice young deer with great potential. I chose not to take a shot on him. He was milling about under my tree for about 10 minutes. It was just too dark to get a picture or a video of him. I have heard there is a big 12 pt in the area so that is the buck I am looking for but my ultimate goal was to shoot a doe or two for the landowner. There were deer all over the place just not close enough to get a shot on. There was a decent 8 pt that came into range that i took a pretty good video except you have to turn your head to the side to watch it and they seriously reduced quality uploading it

It was a very successful day for me...I did not get a shot but I learned about there travels in the area. I did not spook any deer, no deer heard me, smelled me or saw me. I will look forward to going there in the future. Get your shotguns ready next Saturday is opening day of goose season.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Opening Day Mckee Beshers

Saturday October 16th First Split Opening Day for ducks at Mckee Beshers

Hunted the marsh for ducks in the morning. Weather was beautiful a cool morning with plenty of sun followed by high 60's day.

We got there early to grab a spot because there are usually a lot of people there. We were in the flooded timber by 545-6ish. We have about an hour to kill before shooting time. There was a decent bit of water in there but not as much as last year. About 3 minutes to shooting time there were flocks and flocks of wood ducks flying over us and we couldn't shoot them. They were so close you could almost grab at them. I would guess there were at least 100 that flew right before shooting time. Shooting time comes and there were a lot of volley's going on. You couldn't load fast enough. I was not having a good percentage shooting day. I probably shot 20 times and maybe hit 5 or 6. It ended up being a good day with a limit of 6 ducks. 2 Wood Duck hens a hen mallard and 3 green wing teal

Not a bad opening day but I need some practice. I will be going next weekend to the same spot. Who is in?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Ever wonder why when registering at Bed Bath and Beyond we had to have that Kitchen-Aid Stand mixer?

You know the one that costs an arm and leg that only gets brought out during Christmas time to make cookies.

Well now you can make it worth while. It is a wonderful meat grinder. I know there are better ones out there but if you go to Kohl's get the meat grinder attachment for $59.99 it will be cheaper if you get the 30% off coupon you can't really beat it. It works well with Deer and goose' the motor is powerful and as long as you make nice cubes and trim most of the fat off it does the job.

Saturday is the the opening day of Duck season. Where will you be headed?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Deer from 10/2

October 2nd was the opening day of my bow season. Spent the summer shooting and getting dialed in. My shooting setup High Country Archery TSS, Tru Glo Sight, Quality Archery Designs Drop away rest, Easton ST Axis arrows, and NAP Spitfire mechanical broadheads.

An Ellicott City evening hunt. Temperatures in the mid to low 60's. I got setup in a Poplar tree overlooking a huge white oak that had dropped a ton of acorns. After i get setup i'm looking through my binoculars (Nikon Trailblazers 10x42) and I see some movement sure enough 150 yards away 4 deer grazing. They are making their way over towards my area about 50 yards away when three of them head into the woods out of range. For some reason one deer decided not to follow and headed straight for my shooting lane. Was this going to be my first shot on a deer? Needless to say my heart was racing. When it was behind some brush I drew once it was in my lane, broadside, I made a noise to stop it and wham arrows away. I have never shot a deer with my compound bow before only my 7mm mag and 1 with a crossbow. Normally with the 7mm mag its lights out on the spot no running. So i see the arrow pass through it mule kicks and takes off for the woods as it is running away i see a spot on the left side that is dark. I felt confident about the shot but never shooting a deer with a bow i was a little uneasy if i made a kill shot. So now i'm shaking in the tree, ansy and I want to get down and look for the deer but it is only 4:45 there could be more deer out there. I look down where i shot and my arrow is laying there covered in blood so i was excited about that but still anxious because i did not know if the deer was down or not. Since we were on a property that the owner is looking to get deer off his property we were prepared to shoot a few deer. Not 10 minutes after I shoot here comes 2 doe. They pretty much stayed out of range until one of them smelled something and was headed right for my shooting lane. She was on the perfect path for another shot so i drew there were branches in the way of the breadbasket so i was holding then she saw my arrow and stopped on a dime and went no further. She turned around and headed up the hill to where she met her doom with another guy we were hunting. Not even 2 hours i have drawn twice on deer in my first day hunting this year. I hang my bow back on the hanger and sit down. Down the field about 100 yards I see a buck and 2 does just grazing then they lay down together. As I am watching them through my binocs I hear some commotion to my right in the woods. Out of nowhere an 8 point is headed right in my lane of shooting. I was told to shoot when I could and he was going to give me a better shot then the first one. I draw he walks into my lane, I make a noise to stop him just like i did with the other one and this time without hesitation he bolts about 30 yards away. He stops looks around and heads right back to me. Same shooting lane everything I draw again this time i let him keep walking and I release......same heel kick as the first one. He starts running left then turns around and goes back right where he came from as he is running away i see my fletchings of my arrow sticking out. I do not see or hear him go down but i am confident i put a good shot on him. I wait until dark to get out of the tree and go over to my first arrow, its covered in good blood and a blood trail leading into the woods. We are looking around and I see the front half of my second arrow and what looks like a murder scene of blood leading into the woods the same way. We follow the second trail to the woods and sure enough about 50 yards into the woods he is down. The first one i shot was a little harder to track the blood stopped just about as it entered the woods. Luckily there is a large creek that runs down to the road so we just followed the creek all the way down and sure enough there was a deer laying there. I go up to it and of course its a spike. I guess i was so caught up in trying to put a good shot on that i didn't even notice the small antlers that were popping through So the first day out i put two decent shots on deer and get them. I can't shoot another buck this year but i'm happy shooting does Maybe this year will be a good one. Pictures to come in a bit.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break Fishing

I was on Spring Break last week and decided to do some fishing. Went to the Tuckahoe river on Wednesday 3/17/10 to do some yellow perch fishing. The river was way flooded so I could not get to the spots I wanted to go to. I found a hole that produced about a dozen yellow perch all males and a few white perch. Only one keeper yellow perch. I was a little late for the spawn. On Thursday Rob and I tried for yellow perch in halls creek on the Pax in his boat. No luck with yellow's but a few white perch, mud buddies (catfish), and an eel. Sunday 3/21 Kerwin and I went to the Belle Grove ponds off the Patapsco for yellows. No yellows but I hooked into a huge catfish that i brought to the shore but could not get it out with my 4 lb line.

Friday, February 26, 2010